Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Locavore's breakfast

Last night we were invited to eat with friends and invoked our good guests exemption. Supper was pasta with pesto and white sauce, oven-roasted asparagus, and a green salad with choice of  dressings. Desert was locally made (but probably not locally sourced) Kline's ice cream. Very little of the supper was from within our 100-mile limit. All of the supper was delicious.

For supper tonight Sarah made  'buttons,' a tasty Swiss dish. This morning, however, was a challenge. A neighbor's dog kept us up last night and we slept later than we intended. Normally when this happens we scarf cold cereal and skip off to work. This morning that wasn't an option. Wheat kernels, even after they've been boiled then roasted, just aren't the same as Wheaties, even early in the morning before the caffeine's kicked in. They're somewhere between puffed wheat and unpopped popcorn kernels: flavorless and hard enough to chip dental enamel. I had to settle for homemade toast with honey--not a bad breakfast, really--before bolting out the door.

1 comment:

Mattie said...

For breakfast sometimes, I like wheat kernels boiled but not roasted (easier on the teeth that way). It's especially good with honey and walnuts, which you may be able to get locally--it's black walnut season soon, isn't it? Sort of the same idea as oatmeal, but I like the texture better.

Happy to see you're blogging again! One of these days I'll have a free weekend to actually come visit, but in the meantime I enjoy reading your food adventures.
