Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This afternoon I went over to our neighbor's yard to pick mulberries from his tree. It's a giant old spreading mulberry that's been dropping berries on the edge of the road for a couple of weeks now. As I picked two squirrels chased each other up and down the trunk. The berries were not the best I'd ever tasted, but they were plentiful. I picked almost half a gallon just from what I could reach from the ground, plus all those I ate. I washed and froze the berries when I was done. There is a mulberry cake recipe I want to try, or perhaps it's time for more pie. . .

Breakfast and lunch today were granola and leftovers, respectively, previously documented. Ben was at class this evening, so I had a rather miscellanious supper of peas and new potatoes, wheat cereal, and a bit of ice cream.

100 foot: Potatoes, peas, dill
Local: Butter, milk, wheat
Non: Sugar

I was excited to find fair trade organic sugar at Red Front today! Now I can buy local honey and maple syrup, and fair trade sugar. I'm still hunting for local molasses.

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